
小池都知事へ: 異端の ”COVID-19 対策”を提言

COVID-19 にへこたれない ハーブ茶 "CVO" ( マダガスカル )
COVID-19 ワクチンが市販される来年まで、ロックダウンとベンチレーター (酸素吸入器) だけでは、対策がいかにも原始的!  そこで、アフリカ大陸沖にある島国 (マダガスカル共和国) の大統領が、COVID-19 対策の一環として、「CVO と称するハーブ茶を、国民全体に奨励している。 この茶は、Artemisia annua と呼ばれる植物 (漢方くそ人参/青蒿) 由来で、1972年頃に中国の女性薬学者によって開発されたマラリア特効薬 Artemisinia の原料である。この女性は、2015年に大村さん等とノーベル医学賞をわかちあった。 このマラリア特効薬は、イベルメクチンと同様、抗癌作用のあるPAK遮断剤である。 Maruta H and He H (2020). PAK1-blockers: Potential Therapeutics against COVID-19. Medicine in Drug Discovery.
従って、「CVO なる茶は、COVID-19 の感染を防ぐはずである。
ごく最近、オランダのプロポリスを扱う薬剤師からのメールによると、千人を超えるCOVID-19 にプロポリスを経口させたところ、良好な治療結果が得られたという。
更に、最近の欧米などにおける臨床テストで、Nobel-winning "イベルメクチン" (0.15 mg/kg) 経口により、COVID-19 患者の死亡率が 6分の1 に減少したという! 

従って、日本国内でも、カモミール茶、サフラン茶、赤たまねぎ皮茶、青蒿茶、朝鮮人参茶、花椒茶など各種の (PAK遮断) ハーブ茶をCOVID-19 対策 (予防) の一環として、利用すべきであろう。 「日常生活の知恵」である! 

丸田 ひろし (異端の東大卒、薬学博士、豪州メルボルン永住)

追伸:  小池百合子訳 「へこたれない」  ワンガリ=マータイ自伝 を読みましたよ! 実は、私もこの英文原本が気に入って、訳本を企画しましたが、残念ながら、小池大臣に「先手」を打たれたことに気づきました!  代わりに、2002年にノーベル医学賞をもらった 南ア出身のシドニー=ブレナーの自伝 の訳本 「エレガンスに魅せられて」 を出版。

「異端」 とは、「先見の明」 をもって、我が道を貫く意。  

 5月6日のNHK (正午) のニュースによれば、西村さん (コロナ担当大臣) が大村さん (北里研究所) を訪れ、「イベルメクチンによるCOVID-19 治療」に関して相談したという。日本 (都内) でも、いよいよ 「山が動き出した」!


Chemical Evolution of Mankind towards "Homo unpaks"

Un-PAKing (PAK1-blocking) : An Evolution for the Survival of the Fittest against COVID-19 and Many Other Biohazards.
Hiroshi Maruta, PAK Research Center, Melbourne, Australia.

Abstract : 
The "pathogenic"  kinase PAK1 is RAC/CDC42-activated Ser/Thr kinase which is present in the animal kingdom from mammals to yeasts, but not in plants and bacteria as well as viruses. 

Thus, both many bacteria and viruses need PAK1 in hosts for their infection or pathogenesis. Very interestingly, PAK1-null mutant of mice looks very healthy, and is clearly resistant to both inflammation and carcinogenesis, and immune to a variety of pathogens. Furthermore, PAK1-null mutant (RB689) of C. elegans is highly-resistant to heat shock (heating at 35oC) and lives 60% longer than the wild-type at 20oC. Thus, it would not be a big surprise that a series of PAK1-blockers  (natural or synthetic) such as propolis extend the healthy lifespan of C. elegans, suppress both growth and metastasis of cancers as well as inflammatory diseases, as well as bacterial and viral infection in mammals. 

In other words, "Un-PAKing " (PAK1-blocking) is potentially an "evolutional " process of these higher organisms for "survival of the fittest" against a wide variety of pathogens and global warming (over-heating). Thus, using these PAK1-blockers, or just in theory knock-out (KO) of PAK1-gene in homo sapiens would lead to the birth of a brand-new species called " homo unpaks " which would more easily survive both the current viral pandemic and global warming. 

Preface :
PAKs in amoeba and mammals
In the fall of 1974, shortly after the world-wide «  oil shock » and sudden resignation of US President Richard Nixon due to the « Watergate » scandal, I joined Dr. Ed Korn’s lab at NIH (National Institutes of Health) in Bethesda, outskirts of Washington, D.C., moving by an Amtrak train across the US from Boulder in Colorado. Three years later, in a soil (potentially pathogenic) amoeba called Acanthamoeba castellanii, I discovered a very unique kinase called « myosin I heavy chain kinase » (MIHCK), that became the very first step towards my life-long PAK research. 
This kinase is essential for so-called actin-activation of myosin I ATPase (1). 17 years later, Ed Manser in Singapore eventually found a very similar kinase in mammals (2), and coined it « PAK » (RAC/CDC42-activated kinase). Among 6 distinct PAKs, it turns out that PAK1 is the major « pathogenic » kinase which is responsible for a wide variety of diseases/disorders such as cancer, inflammation and bacterial/viral infection. AD (Alzheimer’s disease), hypertension, diabetes (type 2), ageing, suppression of immune system and even melanogenesis (3).

"PAK1-null" mutant is healthier than the wild type!
The most remarkable among phenotypes of PAK1-null mutant of C. elegans are the 60% extension of its healthy lifespan at 20oC, and 9 times increase in heat–resistance at 35oC (4), clearly indicating that PAK1 is responsible for both ageing and heat-sensitivity.
PAK1-blocker (Merlin) in our own body
Around 2003, I was contacted by a mother of 9-years old boy in Sydney who was suffering from a rare genetic disease called NF2 (neurofibromatosis type 2).  In NF2 patients, a tumor suppressor gene called NF2 encoding a protein called « Merlin ».is missing, and mulptiple beneign tumors called schwannoma or meningioma keep growing in brain, causing blindness or loss of hearing, but eventually on both sides. However, so far its only available therapy has been surgical removal or gamma-knife ray, which often causes a side effect(s). She urged us to find a chemotherapeutic for NF2. Well, since we had little idea as to the precise physiological function of Merlin, we first tested the effect of Merlin on PAK1 in vitro. To our big surprise, it directly inhibited PAK1 (5) ! In other words,  in NF2 tumors PAK1 is abnormally activated as RAS cancers in which RAS is oncogenically mutated, and thereby leading the abnormal activation of its down-stream kinase (PAK1). 
A few natural PAK1-blockers
Since RAS cancers such as pancreatic, colon and lung cancers represent 30% of all human cancers, around 2005 we decided to start identifying PAK1-blockers in natural products readily available in the market for "fast-track" therapy of both NF2 brain tumors and RAS cancers. The first natural product which we found blocks PAK1 was a Chinese seasoning called Sichuan pepper (Hua Jiao) which is used for preparation of a spicy Chinese soup called « Marba Beancurd ».  Either 70% ethanol or hot water extract of this « red » peppercorn inhibits PAK1  in RAS cancer cells with IC50 around 10 mg/ml (6). However, so far nobody has chemically identified the PAK1-blocking compound in this red extract. 

Shortly after, we identified a few other PAK1-blockers in bee product called « Propolis »:
Artepillin C (ARC) in Brazillian green propolis, CAPE (caffeic acid phenethylester) in NZ and European propolis, and Nymphaeols in Okinawa/Taiwan propolis. These propolis products turned out to be very effective clinically for suppressing both growth and metastasis of NF tumors and pancreatic cancers as well as infection of viruses such as Flu, HIV, and even COVID-19 (7-9).  

PAK1-blocker « Ivermectin » suppresses COVID-19 infection !
Antibiotic called « Ivermectin » was developed by 2015 Nobel-laureates (Satoshi Omura and Wiliam Campbell) during late 1970s (10).  Around 2007, shortly after we found that the phenotypes of Ivermectin-treated C. elegans are very similar to those of PAK1-null mutant, we proved that
it indeed blocks PAK1 in cancer cells (11). In an early 2020, a team at Monash University in Melbourne proved that it suppresses the infection of COVID-19 in cell culture with IC50 = 2.5 micro M (12).  A few months later, its clinical trial in US showed that this PAK1-blocker reduced the death rate of COVID-19 patients by 6 times (13).
"Chemical" evolution of PAK1-blockers
Back in late 1980s, Vitamin D3 was found to suppress the growth of cancers in mice (14). However, it has never been successful clinically (treatment in human cancers), mainly because it is inactivated by an enzyme called CYP24 in human bodies which hydroxylates at position 24. Thus, around a decade ago, a Japanese team led by Atsushi Kittaka at Teikyo University in Tokyo developed a highly CYP24-resistant derivative of vitamin D3 called « MART-10 » which is 1000 times more potent than D3 in human cells (15). More interestingly, a few years ago, A German team found that D3 is a PAK1-blocker (16).

An old pain-killer called « Ketorolac » is a racemic mixture of R- and S-forms. S-form inhibits directly COX-2 which is essential for synthesis of prostaglandin (a source of pain). Interestingly, five years ago, R-form was found to block PAK1 (17). However, its cell-permeability is rather poor, mainly due to its COOH moiety. Thus, around 2015, we developed a highly cell-permeable ester called 15K (1,2,3-triazolyl ester of Ketorolac) via Click Chemistry (CC) (18). 15K is over 500 times more potent than Ketorolac, and suppresses both growth and metastasis of chemo-resistant pancreatic cancer with IC50 below 0.1 mg/kg/day without any side effect (19). Thus, both MART-10 and 15K, chemically evolved from D3 and Ketorolac, would be the so far most advanced PAK1-blockers useful or therapy of both cancers, NFs and viral infection such as COVID-19 pandemic. 
Genetic/chemical evolution/therapy of « Noonan » Syndrome children
There is a rare brain syndrome called « Noonan » in which PAK1 gene is mutated to be constitutively activated (20). This syndrome is usually disgnosed below age 10 with both frequent seizure/epilepsy and learning disability, but without any tumors. Usually Noonan patients are short-lived, probably because they are far more susceptible to pathogenic viral/bacterial infection.
Only in theory, this syndrome can be blocked by deletion of PAK1 gene in one of their parents' germline during in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, in practice, it could be effectively reversed with PAK1-blockers (UnPAKers) such as propolis and melatonin, a pineal hormone, converting Noonan children to the far healthier/intellectual human species called « homo unpaks ».