
2023 Nobel Prize for mRNA Vaccination Tech!

新型コロナ(COVID) ワクチンにつながる技術: 2氏にノーベル生理学・医学賞 (2023).
小さな町 (in Hungary) の娘からワクチンの立役者: カリコ博士(right)
Karikó K, Buckstein M, Ni H, Weissman D. (2005).
Suppression of RNA recognition by Toll-like receptors: the impact of nucleoside modification and the evolutionary origin of RNA.
Immunity. 23(2):165-75.

Although this technoloy led to mass-production of COVID mRNA vaccines, without these vaccines, COVID infection and fibrosis (lung inflammation), which depends on PAK1, could be easily prevented with a series of natural or synthetic PAK1-blockers such as propolis, a combination of vitamin D3 and K2, fucoidan and ivermectin, even if COVID is highly "mutated".
Some times, "low" tech (common sense or wisdom !) is far more powerful than "high" (recombinant) tech.
The former US president, Jimmy Carter, was celebrating his 99th birthday a few days ago, although he has apparently no knowledge on the recombinant tech. Quite ironically, during his presidency (1977-1981), I discovered the first "PAK1" (myosin I heavy chain kinase) from a soil amoeba at NIH toward the end of 1977!
Rather interestingly, Jimmy used to be nick-named "Peanuts" when he was a young lad in Georgia. According to the 2014 article from University of Georgia, Peanuts are among rich sources of Resveratrol, which is a natural "PAK1-blocker". Thus, instead of taking anti-COVID vaccine, simply eating peanuts could lead to the longevity...
Ref: Jocelyn M Sales, Anna V A Resurreccion (2014). Resveratrol in peanuts. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 54(6):734-70.

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