
2024 US game (election) is basically over!
Trump was saved from a "bullet" (by the grace of Satan)
Finally Obamas also endosed Kamala Harris for her race against Trump in 2024.

結局, オバマ夫妻もハリス(副大統領)への支持を表明!
(Paving the way for Michelle Obama's turn to run in 2028)
It won't make any "big" difference whether Joe Biden is replaced by somebody else (Kamala Harris etc) or not. It is "too late" after all, for 2024 election!
Nevertheless, I wish you her (Kamala Harris) a Good Luck!
After all, we shall wait till Michelle Obama will run for 2028 election, hopefully for a "great" change!
Interestingly, although Obama Praises Biden for the "Decision to Exit Race", does Not Endorse Harris...
Why? Perhaps you could guess: avoiding the tough contest in 2028, Michelle vs Kamala for Democrats presidential ticket...
Naturally, Hillary Clinton backs Kamala Harris to beat Trump, her "enemy number 1"
who beated her (Hillary) badly during 2016 election, with a great help from "Putin"
(her "enemy number 2")!

Many Democrats including Hillary wonder why Ukrainian forces were so far unsuccessful in shooting "Putin" down with a drone?
In my own opinion, (unlike Joe Biden) Kamala should not support the "corrupt" Israeli leaders who are slaughtering the Palestine people in Gaza.
In US history, VP (Vice presisdent) has never been better than his "boss" (=President).
The "worst" example was Harry Truman who dropped A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, mass-murdering Japanese people undiscriminatorily.
Well, is Kamala Harris able to "reverse" this odd US history for the first time?
Very interestingly, "Republican" leaders, both George W Bush and Mike Pence (VP of Trump's administration), hate Trump!

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