
“Maruta Prize”: Set up in 2024 by “PAK Research Foundation” in order to encourage relatively young “female” biomedical scientists to engage in basic research for promoting our healthy longevity.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of discovery of PAK1 in mammals by Ed Manser in Singapore in 1994, following my discovery of a very similar kinase called "MHCK" in a soil amoeba, which phosphorylates a single-head myosin (myosin I) in 1977 at NIH.
The first “Maruta Prize” winner in 2024 will be Dr. Kaori Yasuda at Toyama Prefecture Uni in Japan, who discovered recently that two natural steroidal “PAK1” - blockers (Andro-grapholide and Triptolide) suppress the expression of CYP24 gene for the major enzyme that inactivates Vitamin D3. These CYP24 suppressors would potentiate D3, to promote our “healthy” longevity eventually.
The major reason behind this “new” prize for “female” scientists is that an old “male-dominating” “Nobel” Prize has long ignored the contribution of many scientists, in particular “female” scientists, to the promotion of our healthy longevity via PAK1-blockers. Unfortunately, male-hormones (such as testosterone) shorten our lifespan and lead to both hair-loss and immuno-suppression, just like "conventional chemos".

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